We embarked on the journey of creating a life, skipping instructions, and diving headfirst into the unknown. We were living in the moment, our wishes woven into each heartbeat. As we navigated adulthood, we were simultaneously learning how to transform our friendship into a deeper love. Oh, how I yearn to revisit even a single moment from our shared time. I’m aware that dwelling in the past is futile, yet the lessons life has taught me make me acutely aware of my past ingratitude. We were apart but never truly severed, for your presence remained in my inner circle. Now, your absence weighs on me, laden with the guilt of waiting. I knew my desires, but the right moment seemed perpetually distant. You loved me so wholeheartedly that I questioned my worthiness. I kept you at arm’s length as I sought self-love, and now that I’ve found it, you’re no longer here to witness it bloom. The void you left is vast and unfillable. Yet, I persist in filling it with distractions, attempting to bury the chasm beneath mountains of vices. My most profound sorrow resides in basking in the absence of your presence.